MPPP--What folks shared with us

After weeks of dissecting mounds of data, our talented project managers, Diego Perez Lacera and Corina McCarthy-Fadel teamed up with graphic designer Mikey Guadarrama to share back to you and the community what folks had to say about Uphams and the planning processes impacting their neighborhood.

For the FULL REPORT (including all raw data), CLICK HERE.

Once again, for the FULL REPORT (including all raw data), CLICK HERE.

And many thanks to our amazing artists--Cedric Douglas and Philippe Lejeune, our gracious hosts--Uphams Corner Main Street and the Strand, our program support--MIT's Civic Media Lab Co-Design Class, DSNI and Ines Soto-Palmarin, and our generous funders--The ArtPlace Initiative, The Boston Foundation, The Surdna Foundation and Open Society Foundation.