Public Kitchen is an intervention aimed at social and food justice-- an experiment in how more vibrant public infrastructures can improve the quality of our lives.
Newport Health Equity Zone Lab
The HEZ Lab was a vibrant, intergenerational and bilingual space where Newport residents could interact with the data collected by fellow residents on barriers to health.
Go Boston 2030
In May 2015, the residents of Boston experienced an unprecedented level of public engagement. DS4SI was central in designing and producing this creativity lab where people across all walks of life would co-envision the future of Boston's transportation experience.
M/B/T/A Lab
For the M / B / T / A Lab, we broadened the concept of transportation equity to look at fundamental issues of mobility, from how it impacts our human development and possible futures to how it shapes our daily emotions. We looked at public transportation across the globe and across time. We put transportation and mobility in the context of human rights and battles for these rights.
Making Planning Processes Public
From April 29th -- May 5th 2013, we engaged over 600 community members--families, artists, merchants, elders and passers-by in thinking about Uphams Corner and the planning processes going on around them. The interactive exhibit and integrated street signage aimed to lower the barrier for the public to engage in planning processes, both those already going on and ones they might want to create.